On Tuesday June 11, the Climate Action Programme will host our first annual Climate Festival. We are excited to bring together the climate community at TU Delft for this event. We will be sharing more details on the day’s agenda shortly.

What was the action the first years of the programme, where lies the action now, and what action do we need!

We're thrilled to invite you to be part of this event, bringing together passionate minds dedicated to addressing climate challenges. We’ll kick off our morning with showcase (posters/artifacts/models) and networking session, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with fellow climate enthusiasts and share your insights.
We're calling for posters or models/artifacts on a wide range of climate-related topics, covering our four themes of climate science, mitigation, adaptation, and governance. Whether you're new to the TU Delft or a long-time employee, your contribution is valuable! Your poster should be visually appealing and include your name and project title and can be send in by everyone: student or staff researchers from TU Delft.

Submit your intention to join with a poster in A0 portrait or model/artifact via this registration form by May 17th. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at Climate-Action@tudelft.nl.
This form is meant to register to visit the event itself as well.

Climate research at TU Delft >> let's go local >> to national >> to global

Location: X-Building on the TU Delft campus (Mekelweg 8)

More information and programme will follow soon!