Guided tours

If you would like to become better acquainted with the TU Delft Library building, we provide guided tours for groups of users and associates of the library. These are arranged by appointment. You will be given a guided tour of the library facilities by one of our staff, who will explain the digital and other services that the library offers. There are no guided tours during examination periods or in the summer. The guided tours are given in Dutch or English.

Special guided tours

If you would like to have a guided tour focusing on a specific subject, we can arrange a special customised guided tour.

Guided tours for architects

Groups of architects who wish to take a look at the building, can be given a guided tour by the architects firm Mecanoo. This guided tour focuses on the construction and design of the building. For details, contact Mecanoo.

Apply for guided tours & further information

If you would like to arrange a guided tour, you must apply at least two weeks in advance.

For further information, or to apply for a guided tour, please contact Ask Your Library, our customer service.