Ana Breton Aguilar

"I'm looking forward to seeing students get creative or make deeper connections with themselves or students around them."

On the 19th of January, Exhale will open its doors at X. Ana Breton Aguilar tells us more about the project, and her involvement with it.

I heard of Exhale...

...through Ailisha Shannon, the creative director of the project. Before this I was studying at the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam and was mainly working in a New Age shop. This is a place with a lot of books on spirituality, yoga, meditation and lots more.

Exhale will be...

...a very cozy and beautifully decorated social living room, with loads of plants and comfy couches. There will be space to zone out, to read a book or to listen to a podcast. You can unwind during a yoga class or mindfulness workshop, or have fun and connect at a movie screening. Moreover, on the first floor there is a big creative workspace that can always be used. Every evening, there will be a Studio Expert present with a special expertise like drawing & architecture, textiles or creative writing to help you get started.

I will be... of the hosts at Exhale so I will be there a lot to welcome everyone and keep things rolling. I'm looking forward to seeing students get creative or make deeper connections with themselves or students around them. Also, I'm always open to have a chat or help you get inspired for a creative project. The challenge is that it's a whole new project. Everything is new and has to be discovered, but I think that's also the beauty of it.

I love the idea...

...of creating this amazing space for students to be creative and to offer them help to relax and unwind from their responsibilities. I imagine it could be a nice place for new connections. Connection with yourself but also with other students while exploring new ways of creating or finding new things you have in common; such as a love for certain movies, writing poetry or something else.

I hope Exhale will bring beautiful new discoveries for the students!

Ana Breton Aguilar

Host at Exhale