Nieuws - 16 augustus 2018 - Communication BK

The United Nations have compiled a list of more than 100 courses helping to teach about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Four Mass Open Online Courses of BK Bouwkunde have been selected. 

The course ‘Healthy aging in 6 steps’ teaches the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 3, ‘Good health and well-being’. The course teaches students to make healthy choice and adjustments to lifestyle and environment to live healthier, happier, and longer lives.

Two courses from the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions have been selected. With the course ‘Sustainable urban development: Discover advanced metropolitan solutions’ you learn why cities are key in resolving global urbanisation and sustainability challenges. The course ‘Co-creating sustainable cities’ dives into the importance of co-creation to develop more sustainable cities worldwide. Both courses teach the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 11, ‘Sustainable cities and communities’. 

Finally, the MOOC ‘Rethink the city: New approaches to global and local urban challenges’ also teaches Sustainable Development Goal 11. In this course, students explore alternative theories and innovative solutions for urban challenges in the global south. 

The full list of courses can be found here