Prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Hans Kuipers

Nieuws - 18 augustus 2022

Professor Hans Kuipers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), and active member of the Burgerscentrum, has received a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant (2.5 million euro).  This grant from the European Research Council will be used to  carry out his promising, but high-risk modeling and experimental research on catalytic three-phase reactors. Such reactors are used in the food industry and to produce synthetic fuels in the chemical process industry. More than 10 years ago prof. Kuipers received his first ERC Advanced Grant to work on gas-fluidized bed reactors displaying dense gas-particle flows. This second grant will focus on Slurry Bubble Columns Reactors (SBCRs). It is a clear recognition of the excellent research conducted in his group Multi-scale Modelling of Multi-phase Flows at the Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry.

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