3D Geoinformation

The 3D Geoinformation research theme studies the technologies that deal with spatial data, and specifically the modelling, structuring, maintenance, analysis and dissemination of large amounts of (3D) geoinformation about urban areas.

3D geoinformation can make a key contribution to the design and planning of interventions in the urban environment. Thus, serving the needs of practice is extremely important and we develop solutions in close collaboration with users such as experts in noise, wind and emergency evacuation simulations. 

Research questions

  • 3D geoinformation infrastructure: how to collect 3D information and use it for many different applications?
  • How to develop 3D indoor modelling and navigation?
  • What data structures and algorithms are needed for 3D modelling?


Would you like to know more about this research theme or discuss the possibilities for cooperation? Please contact the research leaders:

Prof.dr. J.E. Stoter
Dr. H. Ledoux