News & Events

04 oktober 2023

Winners CBE Graduation Awards 2022-2023 announced

On 3 October, the nominated and winning projects of the Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards 2022-2023 were announced.

26 september 2023

Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Award 2022-2023

On 3 October, the nominated and winning projects of the Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Award 2022-2023 will be announced. Do you want to learn more about the projects? Join the award ceremony or visit the exhibition in the corridor around the Oostserre starting 4 October.

06 september 2023

Public lecture by Visiting Professor Joanna Williams: Circular cities

On 18 September, Visiting Professor Joanna Williams will give the public lecture 'Circular cities: a revolution in sustainable urban systems' at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

16 augustus 2023

Recently published: Architectural Education in Times of Uncertainty

This book summarizes the panel discussions held during the Architectural Education in Times of Uncertainty Symposium (2-4 November 2022, TU Delft). The symposium engaged more than thirty speakers in a discussion about our current pedagogical approaches for circularity, but also about ways we can go about for teaching in times of uncertainty.

17 juli 2023

TU Delft lanceert online cursus Sustainable Building with Timber

TU Delft lanceert online cursus Sustainable Building with Timber

“De wijze van bouwen en materialiseren moet veranderen,” aldus Arjan van Timmeren, hoogleraar Environmental Technology & Design aan de TU Delft. Meer dan 35% van de wereldwijde uitstoot van broeikasgassen is afkomstig uit de gebouwde omgeving, waarvan een derde specifiek gerelateerd is aan de productie van bouwmaterialen zoals beton, metaal en kunststoffen. Naast klimaatverandering zijn er nog andere uitdagingen waar de bouwsector mee te maken heeft, zoals schaarste van grondstoffen, gezondheidskwesties en de noodzaak om voldoende woningen te bouwen.