
Binnen het Expertisecentrum werken diverse PhD's aan een promotie onderzoek.

Housing career of young talents in China’s first-tier cities - Chi Jin
Policy interventions in various countries, regions, and localities around the world are increasingly concerned with attracting and retaining highly skilled, young professional workers around the world.
The issue of housing difficulty has become a prominent problem in China's first-tier cities. Many large- and medium-sized Chinese cities have been engaging in a fierce “battle for talents”. Over the past fifteen years, housing prices in the Chinese metropolises of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou have experienced rocketing growth. The main aim of this study is to better understand the housing career of young talents in the first-tier cities from a behavioral perspective, thereby exploring what housing policies can be adopted to help young talents improve their living condition and help first-tier cities to attract and retain young talents.

Modelling price dynamics on the Dutch housing market - Rosa van der Drift
Housing prices do not reflect all available information. There are several reasons as to why the housing market is inefficient; including informational inefficiencies, low liquidity, policy interventions, its relation to other inefficient markets and high transaction costs.
To increase understanding of house price dynamics in the Netherlands new methods to model the housing market are being investigated. A more efficient housing market not only benefits homeowners, but could contribute to a more stable economy as a whole. Besides reducing inefficiencies, models are useful as they provide a policy toolkit.

Prijsontwikkelingen op de Nederlandse woningmarkt – Qi Tu

  • Het onderzoek van Qi Tu voorziet in een herziening van het in 1996 door het OTB ontwikkelde en in 2001 aangepaste model waarmee de prijsontwikkeling van de koopwoningen verklaard en voorspeld kan worden. De laatste jaren hebben zich op de markt voor koopwoningen niet alleen conjuncturele, maar ook structurele ontwikkelingen voorgedaan, die een nieuwe herziening van het model noodzakelijk maken.