
Bachelor Thesis

CTB3000 is a 10 ECTS individual graduation project. To specialize in steel structures students can choose a steel related topic on Brightspace and contact the graduation coordinator of Structural Engineering (dr.ir. P.C.J. Hoogenboom) and main supervisor.

If the link to Brightspace isn't accessible, follow these steps. Open Brightspace and choose 'Catalog', 'CTB3000-16 / AESB3400', 'Enroll', 'Content', 'Table of Contents', 'Structural Engineering'.

Most topics require that students have passed CTB2220 – Concrete and Steel Structures 1 and CTB3340 – Building Structures 1. Suggestions for topics may come from students as well. The content of the project is defined or approved by the appointed examiners. Another option is to graduate as building engineer (coordinator dr.ir. K.C. Terwel) with a steel related subject.

The assessment committee will meet at the start to define the project, during the project a mid-term assessment and at the end for a final assessment. The student is responsible for these meetings and the notes from these meetings. The student will hand in a written report including the notes of the meeting and a self-evaluation of the learning process.