Hombergen, L.P.I.M.


Leon Hombergen works 1 day a week for the TUDelft, on innovative procurement and contracting for infrastructure. Beside his work at TUDelft, Leon works as a Senior Advisor at Rijkswaterstaat, and he is an elected Board Member at the Water Management Authority Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland.

Leon is allumnus at Civil Engineering in Delft.


Although Leon focusses on education at TUDelft, sometimes some research on which he contributes is published, and opinion papers have been published in Cobouw, Financieel Dagblad, Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht etc.

  • Leon is the main lecturer for the Course "Forms of Collaboration"
  • He is also involved in the course Entrepreneurial Engineering. He supervises students in their Msc Thesis.
  • Leon is on of the founders and now board member of TrueU, the employee LGBT-network at TUDelft.

Leon Hombergen

Assistant Professor

Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)

Integral Design Management

Design & Integration

Sandra Schuchmann