Information for authors

Full paper submission

The authors of all papers presented at the conference can submit their work for publication in the book "Traffic and Granular Flow '15", to be published by Springer. The length of each paper (poster and oral presentation) is strictly limited to 8 pages, including references. The template for full papers can be found here (update 12 November: use spmpsci bibtex style). Deadline for submitting the full papers is 15 November 2015; submissions are to be sent in via EasyChair (resubmit your current paper). Submit both the pdf and the LaTeX source code (including figures, bibliography files). Papers can be submitted using Easychair following the link: In your submission, please include the abstract (pdf) as well as all LaTeX source files needed for compilation (zip). Update your interest for the special issues under "update information", also if you have no interest.

The template should be followed strictly. A check list for common mistakes in the submitted files is found here.

Legal documents. Please fill and sign the following form (pdf, or doc) for copytight transfer. If you use any other elements in your paper for which permission is needed, you can ask so using this form. In case use use copyrighted documents, please send this in as well.

Special Issues

Upon submission of the paper for the proceedings, please indicate whether you like to submit another, more lengthy paper for publication in Collective Dynamics and/or in Transportmetrica A. Based on the interest, we will invite authors to submit their journal article, which will undergo a normal review procedure. The journal articles do not have a length restriction. The tick box in EasyChair can be found under "update information". Deadline for submitting the full journal papers is Mey31, 2016.

*Update for Transportmetrica A* As of 30 May, the link to the call for papers has disappeared. To submit, please follow the normal submission procedure for Transportmetrica A, and select then the special issue.

Call for papers

Please find the call for papers here.