
55 resultaten

14 mei 2020

Vitens-Dunea NWO-TTW partnership puts sand filters in the spotlight!

Vitens-Dunea NWO-TTW partnership puts sand filters in the spotlight!

Sand filters, widely applied technologies for drinking water treatment, have been around for centuries. These filters are well-known to effectively sieve suspended solids from surface waters, or from iron-containing groundwaters. Also, as slow filters with a fine sand fraction, these filters are known to remove pathogenic micro-organisms and organic material from the water. With over a century of experience, one might think we know everything about these filters, however surprisingly, only very little is understood regarding the biological and chemical processes that occur in them. The aim of Vitens-Dunea’s partnership with NWO-TTW is to increase our understanding of sand filters to increase operational efficiency, control and contaminant removal.

14 mei 2020

Shanghai University, Tongji University, TUD and Waternet start cooperation on drinking water disinfection and corona

Shanghai University, Tongji University, TUD and Waternet start cooperation on drinking water disinfection and corona

Two universities in China (Shanghai University, Tongji University) will start a cooperation with TU Delft, section Sanitary Engineering, and water utility Waternet (Amsterdam) on disinfection of drinking water related to the SARS CoV-2 “corona” inactivation.

14 mei 2020

TU Delft Global Drinking Water-IWA conference and Best Paper Award 2019

TU Delft Global Drinking Water-IWA conference and Best Paper Award 2019

On 25-26 November 2019, the TU Delft | Global Drinking Water programme organized in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE The Role of Technology conference in Delft, with the aim to address the role of technology in reaching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.1: Access to Safe Water. With over 100 participants, the first edition this IWA supported conference was a big success, connecting international delegates from all over the world.

24 april 2020

Zuiveren van afvalwater is van cruciaal belang

Zuiveren van afvalwater is van cruciaal belang

Zuiveren van afvalwater is van cruciaal belang. Ik wil iedereen op het hart drukken geen doekjes, plastic handschoentjes en mondkapjes door het toilet te spoelen’. Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen bezocht Waterschap Hollandse Delta.

16 april 2020

Home lab safety adaptation Electrodialysis tests Tobias Opschoor

Home lab safety adaptation Electrodialysis tests Tobias Opschoor

Because of the situation regarding COVID 19, the Waterlab at the faculty of Civil Engineering from TU Delft is closed. I have received the authorization to remove my setup from the Waterlab and place it at a different location to continue with the experiments required for the fulfillment of my MSc. I would like to clarify the added safety measures I have taken in order to require TU Delft safety standards and governmental safety measures regarding social distancing to minimize COVID 19 spread.

16 april 2020

Toevalstreffer wateronderzoek levert betere detectiemethode voor coronavirus op

Toevalstreffer wateronderzoek levert betere detectiemethode voor coronavirus op

Wateronderzoek en het coronavirus zijn geen logische combinatie. Toch is het Delftse en Noorse onderzoekers gelukt om uit hun wateronderzoek een slimme toepassing te halen voor de detectie van het coronavirus. Toevallig – maar zeker niet minder nuttig.

31 januari 2020

Last Gijs Oskam award for best MSc thesis

Last Gijs Oskam award for best MSc thesis

Gijs Oskam passed away last year (2019). He was the most frequent participant of the “vakantiecursus”, but was also known through the development of the Reservoirs of Brabantse Biesbosch and his fights against the pollution of the raw water source, the river Meuse, which is nowadays, again, a very actual problem.

29 november 2019

Minder gewasschade door nachtvorst

Minder gewasschade door nachtvorst

Bas van de Wiel (professor Atmospheric Physics) wil schade aan gewassen door nachtvorst verminderen. Maar er is nog verbazingwekkend weinig bekend over dit verschijnsel. Van de Wiel gaat daarom samen met collega Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis en met hulp van een NWO toekenning voor helderheid rondom nachtvorst zorgen.

21 november 2019

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ zorgt voor meer lokale en nauwkeurige neerslagvoorspellingen

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ zorgt voor meer lokale en nauwkeurige neerslagvoorspellingen

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft gaan met hulp van IBM's World Community Grid ongekende details over neerslag in de Sub-Sahara regio in kaart brengen.

14 oktober 2019

Koningspaar opent verticale afvalwaterzuiveringspilot in New Delhi

Koningspaar opent verticale afvalwaterzuiveringspilot in New Delhi

Het koninklijk openden 14 oktober 2019 een nieuwe proefinstallatie om vervuild afvalwater in Indiase drains te zuiveren.