Exploration of aesthetics in façade design

News - 07 November 2019 - Communication BK

The research project ‘PrettyFace – Exploration of aesthetics in façade design’ has been granted funding by NWO Creative Industry KIEM. The project aims to explore aesthetical aspects of façade design, with the goal of identifying and discussing parameters. These parameters can be used to develop building products for architectural application based on aesthetical preferences.

Discussing what we understand as aesthetically pleasing, beautiful or harmonious, is perceived as a relevant aspect to consider in our quest for the design of human centred buildings and cities. These topics have been neglected, due to their inherent subjectivity. However, but substantial research on user interaction and comfort has shown that it is possible to address personal perceptions and systematically develop relevant indicators to inform the design process. Moreover, these aspects are at the very core of current design waves. These are aimed at maximising the customisation potential of mass-produced objects: a balance will only be obtained after understanding where it make sense to focus our customisation efforts, while benefiting by the advantages of mass production.

Furthermore, on a more practical note, acceptance from architects and façade designers is often cited as a common barrier for the integration of new technologies in the built environment; technologies that are mature enough and could help mitigate the environmental issues we currently face. Therefore, guidelines for the development of building products for “architectural application” address this situation by promoting the development of “aesthetically pleasing” products and components, especially in the case of façade applications, given that these components irrevocably impact the appearance of buildings. However, the knowledge gap remains by not involving designers and society at large in a comprehensive discussion about these issues.

The project is structured in two main stages, seeking to involve both the creative industry and society in a discussion that has remained largely academic at this point, learning from practical inputs and data to identify parameters and potentially draft guidelines derived from the findings and lessons.

1. Exploration of aesthetical aspects of façade design – conversations with the creative industry

The aim is to define the parameters that play a role in the appearance of buildings from the perspective of façade design. This will start with literature studies to set certain boundaries, but will be largely based on focus groups and interviews with architectural designers, in order to identify and discuss parameters grounded on designers’ experience.

2. Assessing façade aesthetics – societal perceptions

The outcome of the first stage will be conceptualised and organised into a mass survey, to confront the designers’ views and assess how people respond to the identified façade design parameters. The survey will be distributed through ArchDaily.com, the world’s most visited architecture website, in order to reach a large sample of people interested in architectural design.

More information

Alejandro Prieto (AE+T) acts as main coordinator of the project, in collaboration with KAAN Architecten, BARCODE Architects, Thijs Asselbergs architectuurcentrale, and ArchDaily. For more information, please contact Alejandro Prieto.