Veni grant for two researchers of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

News - 22 July 2019 - Webredactie

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve highly promising young scientists from TU Delft, two of whom are from the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences. The grant provides the laureates with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years.

These are the two new Veni grantees of the Faculty of CEG and their projects:

Anne-Catherine Dieudonné (Geoscience & Engineering)

How do fractures perish? Towards a theory of self-healing mechanics for clays
Clays have a superpower: like wounds heal, cracks in clays have the capability to naturally close and repair. The researcher will study the mechanisms of self-healing in clays at a microscopic scale to better predict the durability and stability of geotechnical structures, such as radioactive waste disposals, dikes and landfills.

Frederik Zietzschmann (Watermanagement)

Removing problematic water pollutants
Water pollution is increasingly problematic due to industrial or pharmaceutical residues which are ever more resistant to degradation and removal. The researcher will develop new materials and process technologies to address these contaminants. The goal is to improve water quality and, ultimately, environmental and human health.

Frederik Zietzschmann