Anneroos Brussee wins the KNW Thesis Award

News - 30 November 2020 - Webmaster Hydraulic Engineering

Anneroos Brussee has won the KNW Thesis Award 2020 for her MSc Thesis 'Improving Flood Fatality Risk Assessment for River Flooding in The Netherlands'.

She graduated from TU Delft in June 2020, under supervision of dr. ir. J.D. Bricker (TU Delft), dr. H.C. Winsemius (TU Delft & Deltares), prof. dr. ir. S.N. Jonkman (TU Delft), dr. ir. K.M. de Bruijn (Deltares) and ir. G. Verhoeven (Deltares).

KNW (Koninklijk Nederlands Waternetwerk) is an independent knowledge network in the water sector. It provides a unique platform for water professionals, companies and organisations, to colaborate, to exchange knowledge and many other possibilities. The 'Waternetwerk Scriptieprijs' is awarded every year during the KNW Autum Congress. It is initiated to help HBO- and WO-students to profile themselves in the water sector.

The jury, consisting of water professionals with different backgrounds, was impressed with Anneroos' work. Congratulations!

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