New staff member in River Engineering section

News - 23 December 2020 - Webmaster Hydraulic Engineering

Laura Maria Stancanelli started as an Assistant Professor in the River Engineering group of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering. Welcome!

Her scientific background is mainly in geophysical flows with a track record in the field of hydraulic modeling oriented to civil engineering application. Starting from her PhD, she has been pursuing different experimental activities, exploring a wide range of hydraulic phenomena, namely, the propagation and the deposition of debris flows, the propagation and the mixing of density currents as well as the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of coastal areas. She has also been working on salinity gradient energy harvesting (i.e. fresh water intake from a river and salt water intake from the sea) and on the development of an innovative technique for the measurement of bottom shear stresses by means of ferrofluids.

She holds a PhD from the University of Catania, in collaboration with University of Padua. She has been Marie Curie fellow at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and ETH Zurich.