IDE Summer Exhibitions – online now

News - 08 July 2020 - Communication

The IDE Hall, at the end of the summer term, is – in normal circumstances - a sight to behold. Exhibition after exhibition showcasing student work. The prototypes and posters become a talking point for anyone who is lucky enough to be in the building. Of course, 2020 is anything but normal. Course coordinators for Strategic Product Design (SPD) Media and Interactive Technology Design (ITD) were compelled to go back to the drawing board, and find new ways of making the physical, digital. And what a fantastic job they did! Although there are still a number of weeks to wait before we return to IDE, to get you in the mood for life back at Building 32, take some time to explore these impressive student exhibitions.

The SPD Media exhibition shows off the work of 146 strategic design students who delved into the question of how to build compelling stories. The students were able to focus their studies on an expressive media skill of their choice: animation; auditory storytelling, graphic design and sketching.

The ITD exhibition focuses on design and prototyping explorations around the theme of the Future of Mobility. Assignments presented to the students by six companies and TU Delft researchers, have addressed many challenges and opportunities that we face in our ability to travel from one place to another. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged students even further in thinking outside of the box about what the future of mobility might entail, and how to design for this future so that it is a positive environment for all.