IDE professor ranks #6 for articles published in innovation management journals

News - 08 July 2021 - Communication

Researchers Christine Pitt, Andrew Park, and Ian P. McCarthy published an article titled “A bibliographic analysis of 20 years of research on innovation and new product development in technology and innovation management (TIM) journals” in the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. In it, they highlight notable authors and institutions within the above-mentioned areas.

Within the article, the authors note that:

  • IDE professor Erik Jan Hultink ranks #6 in “Ten most published authors, number of papers and mean citations per paper as of July 2019” and #4 in “Ten most influential authors, by link strength”.
  • TU Delft, as a whole, ranks #4 in “Ten most published institutions, number of papers and mean citations per paper as of July 2019”.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.