Building on our disciplinary strengths we develop solutions addressing UNESCO global challenges relating to rapid urbanisation, growing energy demand, increasing air pollution, climate change, and raw material shortage.

It is our mission to address these global challenges by:

  • expanding the frontiers of the maritime and transport engineering sciences
  • educating new generations of socially responsible engineers

We work along seven themes that are founded in the more fundamental areas of research on the one hand, and have clear links to relevant application domains on the other.

With 100+ researchers our multi-disciplinary department provides the flexibility for researchers to work together in different and varying constellations, supported by funding from national and international scientific and industrial research funds.

As part of TU Delft and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering we have state-of-the-art research facilities at our disposal, such as the megahexapod, towing tanks, the Researchlab Autonomous Shipping, the Autonomous Guided Vehicles Lab, the Belt Conveyor Lab, DEMlab and the Bulk Characterisation and Dredging Lab.


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