Msc Assignments

Within the Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) Section, we use the unique opportunities of the small length-scale to create breakthroughs for solving societal and industrial problems. At the micro and nano-scale, properties and effects of objects and their interactions become dominant which are not relevant at larger length-scale. This, on one hand, allows to define materials and devices with new and extreme performance, e.g. high-resolution sensors, or systems for cell growth and mechanobiology. On the other hand, new methods and tools are needed for “handling matter” at the small scale, e.g. for pipetting very tiny amounts of liquid or for manufacturing 3D structures at the very small scale. We address societal and industrial challenges in bio/health, high-tech and energy.

As a focus area within the MSc High-Tech Engineering (HTE) programme, MNE provides students with the knowledge and skills to lead the development and implementation of such innovations.

The MSc assignments are done within MNE’s research program. In our research projects we usually collaborate with industrial parties, which promotes the application relevance for our work. There are also opportunities for doing an MSc assignment within industrial companies, particularly with companies we have a relationship with through our research. In our assignments we pair basic understanding and modelling with a strong experimental aspect, which involves working with high-end machines in the laboratory for fabricating and characterizing small-scale objects and effects. In this way, students get familiar with state-of-art equipment, sometimes even beyond what can be found in an industrial environment.

For additional questions please contact the mentioned staff members or our MSc coordinator: 

Eveline Matroos