Planning en Evaluation

Dutch universities are required by law to draw up an institutional plan at least once every six years, so that their medium-term strategy is clear. The prevailing plan is updated every three years, and the universities report annually on their strategic progress and current financial position. This annual report is externally audited and submitted to the Supervisory Board for approval, then presented to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science.

TU Delft planning and evaluation cycle

TU Delft has operated a university-wide planning and evaluation cycle since 2005, linking strategic goals to resources. This is done for the following reasons.

  • To reinforce the coherence of strategy and policy at the institutional, faculty, departmental and support levels.
  • To encourage management dialogue, as well as co-ordination and interaction between the abovementioned levels.
  • To monitor and evaluate the implementation of proposed actions.

Our adage here is: “Do we, as TU Delft and our faculties, do the right things and do we execute them properly?” As well as internal objectives to be met, there are also long-term and performance agreements with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to be fulfilled.