Recognition & Rewards Perspective

It has been a long-held wish among the Dutch academic community to assess the performance of scientific staff differently. In line with the national position paper Room for everyone's talent and its Impact for a Better Society strategy, the TU Delft has now formulated a perspective on the recognition and rewards of academics.

The TU Delft Recognition & Rewards committee has investigated how the ambitions set out in the national position paper can be realized and what should be the focus within TU Delft. Dialogue sessions with representatives of various academic communities provided valuable input and insights. These included placing less emphasis on the number of publications, and a greater emphasis on the other domains, such as education, teamwork and impact. This broader form of recognition and appreciation is better suited to the current core tasks of knowledge and educational institutions and what society requires. The conclusions and actions are captured in the TU Delft Recognition & Rewards Perspective 2021 – 2024.

There have been many actions to increase the possibilities to pursue a variety of career paths linked to the various goals and values of TU Delft: research, education and innovation. These will be reinforced by this new perspective on Recognition & Rewards. The resulting projects focus on building on talent and building excellent teams to support the needed cultural change. Next step is to recruit project leads for the different projects and to kick start the Recognition & Rewards programme together with the TU Delft community.

The modernisation of the system of recognition and rewards is very much connected to the university’s Open Science programme. To create impact for a better society TU Delft wishes to take Open Science to the next level: a situation in which Open Science has become the default way of practising research and education, the “information era” has become the “open era” and everybody involved is recognised, rewarded and stimulated in the best way possible.