Circular Area Development Binckhorst – The Hague

The research project ‘Circular Area Development  Binckhorst – The Hague’ focuses on circular area development in the Hague region in order to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. De Binckhorst area in The Hague serves as a case study for the development of scientific understanding and practical tools, within the area, as well as for the area and its functions seen within the (regional) circular economic system. The project is conducted by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability and Wageningen University & Research.

In the research project, the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability researches the topics: governance and planning (TU Delft), value models and citizens participation (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and material flow analysis (Leiden University). The Wageningen University & Research focuses on participatory research.

Next to the universities, the consortium also includes VNO-NCW and the Province of Zuid-Holland, creating the triple-helix. The research is conducted in close collaboration with stakeholders within and related to the area and is focussed on effective action, in order to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. 


Funder:Province of Zuid-Holland 
Programme:Accelerating the Circular Economy Zuid-Holland (ACCEZ)
Grant amount:€ 1.000.000
Role: Lead Partner
Project duration:September 2018 to September 2020
Principal TU Delft researcher:                Prof.dr. Ellen van Bueren, Dr. Karel Van den Berghe

Project partners

Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability, Wageningen University & Research, VNO-NCW, Province of Zuid-Holland


Dr. Karel Van den Berghe