Antonis Athanasiou

Landscape Architecture

5+2 Images of the new Territory

The Landscape in the Gradient: ReEnvisioning the In-Between

The thesis explores design methods to integrate social-ecological and morphological relationships of the peri-urban areas into one network, by using existing altered systems on site. The course of the research is mainly focused on the questionable relation of these in-between landscapes with the urban and rural realm and their future perception considering the case of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area as the main context.

On an attempt to restore the lost ecological and urban relationships, mainly found on the peripheries, the thesis focuses on the integration of these dynamics into one network where the context is considered as an active organism, which’s DNA is altered providing new conditions and habitat types. Reconsidering the leftover spaces, the water network, the abandoned agricultural mosaic and the elements of cultural heritage, the new network puts forward the synthetic thinking of Patric Geddes, where the coexistence provides new economic, experiential, ecological values and living conditions inside these in-between landscapes.

More information

Master thesis (Repository)