Xiang Da


Xiangda received his bachelor's degree in 2017 at Tongji University and then started his doctoral study in the Department of bridge engineering at the same Univ. He is now a visiting Ph.D. student in the joint-training program sponsored by the Chinese Scholarship Council.


Da’s researches focus on the static, fatigue behavior, and design method of bridge deck slabs, as well as the application of steel fiber reinforced concrete in deck slabs. He is currently working on the fatigue performance and the shear strength of steel-concrete composited deck slabs with perforated ribs.

Xiang D, Liu YQ, Yang F. Numerical and Theoretical Analysis of Slab Transverse-Moment Distributions in Twin-Girder Crossbeam Composite Bridges[J]. Journal of bridge engineering, 2020, 25(3):04020004.1-04020004.16. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001527

Xiang D, Gu MJ, Zou XJ, Liu YQ. Fatigue behavior and failure mechanism of steel-concrete composite deck slabs with perforated ribs[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 250:113410. doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113410.

Xiang Da

Visiting Ph.D. student

  • D.Xiang@tudelft.nl
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

    Building 23

    Stevinweg 1 / PO box 5048

    2628 CN Delft / 2600 GA Delft




Engineering Structures

Steel and Composite Structures

Claire de Bruin