Ana Colina Alonso


Ana graduated in 2018 with an MSc. Degree in Hydraulic Engineering at the faculty of Civil Engineering of Delft University of Technology. Her Master thesis focussed on the processes driving the morphodynamic evolution of the Haringvliet outer delta and was carried out at the Applied Morphodynamics department of Deltares.

Since September she has been employed as a PhD candidate at Delft University. She is studying large-scale regime shifts in coastal and estuarine morphology, with the aim to identify and explain the complex relationship between human interventions and large-scale morphological changes in the Dutch Wadden Sea.

This study is part of the project Coping with Deltas in Transition within the framework of the Programme Strategic Scientific Alliances between China and the Netherlands.


The topic of her research is: "Large-scale regime shifts in estuarine morphology".

Ana Colina Alonso

PhD student