Dr. ir. A. (Alexandra) Gavriilidou


Alexandra holds two MSc degrees, one in Mechanical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and one in Civil Engineering Transport&Planning Track from the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). Between October 2016 and September 2020, she performed her PhD research in the ALLEGRO project, researching the queuing and yielding behaviour of cyclists. Since October 2020, she is working as lecturer and researcher with a focus on active modes.


Understanding and modelling individual cycling behaviour, i.e. how they interact with other traffic participants and with the infrastructure. Currently, she pays special attention to the effects of Covid measures on cycling behaviour.

  • Teaching assistant for CIE4831 – Empirical analyses for Transport & Planning
  • Teaching assistant for CTB1420 – Transport & Planning
  • Coaching BSc students CTB3000 - Bachelor End Project
  • Coordinating BSc graduation projects in collaborative TUD-BJTU BSc programme
  • Gavriilidou, A., Daamen, W., Yuan, Y. and Hoogendoorn, S.P., 2019. Modelling cyclist queue formation using a two-layer framework for operational cycling behaviour. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 105, pp.468-484.
  • Gavriilidou, A., Wierbos, M.J., Daamen, W., Yuan, Y., Knoop, V.L. and Hoogendoorn, S.P., 2019. Large-scale bicycle flow experiment: setup and implementation. Transportation research record, 2673(5), pp.709-719.
  • Gavriilidou, A., Susacasa, L.P., Reddy, N. and Daamen, W., 2020. Bicycle Parking Choice Behaviour at Train Stations. A Case Study in Delft, the Netherlands. In Traffic and Granular Flow 2019 (pp. 479-485). Springer, Cham.
  • Gavriilidou, A. and Cats, O., 2019. Reconciling transfer synchronization and service regularity: real-time control strategies using passenger data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15(2), pp.215-243.
  • MOCOLODO: Mobility during and after Corona Lockdown (funded by NWO-ZonMW, in consortium led by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Alexandra Gavriilidou

Lecturer and Researcher

Transport and Planning

Active Mode Lab

Mon - Fri

Read my Story of Science

Dr.ir. A. Gavriilidou