Ceramic membranes for direct treatment of sewage water

Ceramic nanofiltration membrane filtration is the key step in an innovative treatment concept for production of different water qualities (e.g. demiwater) for the industry directly from domestic waste water. The goal is to close the water cycle and to save as much energy as possible and to recover valuable resources from the waste water. The ceramic nanofiltration is able to concentrate the raw waste water at least 5 times. The permeate is directly used to produce demiwater with reverse osmosis. The concentrate is going to a digester to produce biogas and to recover phosphate.
Further treatment will polish the water and will recover nutrients. Overall energy savings are expected if this innovative demiwater production is compared to the conventional demiwater production from raw waste water.


Evides Industriewater
TU Delft

Project coordinator:

Dr.ir. Bas Heijman