Ir. Anurag Bhambhani


Anurag completed his bachelor’s in civil engineering from India before working for 1.5 years in construction as site engineer and planning analyst. He went on to do an MSc in Industrial Ecology where he focussed on sustainability assessment, photovoltaics, biomaterials and environmental modelling. After graduating he worked with Except Integrated Sustainability as a consultant for 8 months. In May 2020 he started his PhD in the water management department of TU Delft.


Water management today is no longer limited to optimizing separated systems of drinking water treatment, waste-water treatment, etc. It is crucial to treat the water system as an integrated one that is made up of parts which interact with one another. This interaction can be symbiotic if a holistic assessment of interventions is employed. For this, there is need for a framework of decision making. Such a methodology considers multiple criteria including economics, environmental and social impacts, governance, etc. Anurag’s research is centred on development of such frameworks and its validation on real case studies.

Anurag Bhambhani

PhD candidate

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    Room: 4.54

Monday till Friday