Dr. Willem Zaadnoordijk


Willem is a geohydrologist at TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands and guest researcher at the TU Delft. His research interests include:

  • hydraulic parametrisation of layer and voxel models of the subsurface including the upscaling of laboratory measurements of hydraulic conductivity and evaluation of pumping tests and calibration of groundwater flow models;
  • time series modelling of time series of groundwater heads using impulse response functions for precipitation and other important variables;
  • using impulse response functions as characteristics of the groundwater system to improve spatial interpolation of groundwater dynamics and delineation of aquitards.

Guidance for graduation projects.

  • Zaadnoordijk W.J. Bus S.A.R. Lourens A. W.L. Berendrecht (2018) Automated Time Series Modeling for Piezometers in the National Database of the Netherlands ,Groundwater (00000)00000 00000,doi: 10.1111/gwat.12819 August 2018.
  • Zaadnoordijk, Willem J. (2018) Time Series Modeling Of Piezometric Heads – determination of Precipitation Response in the presence of other stresses and hydrogeological heterogeneity, AGU Fall Meeting 2018 - poster H23O-2160, https://www.essoar.org/doi/abs/10.1002/essoar.10500086.1, Washington DC, USA 10-14 December 2018.
  • Zaadnoordijk W.J., Bakker, M. (2013) Application of spatial time-series analysis to determine calibration targets for transient groundwater models, MODFLOW and More, Golden CO, USA, 3 June 2013.

Willem Zaadnoordijk

Guest researcher

Civil Engineering and Geosciences
