International possibilities

There are numerous international opportunities that can be either part of your study programme or combined with it. Many students avail themselves of opportunities for international exchange to expand the scope of programme choices. Students have spent up to a half year on exchange programmes in Italy, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland, among others.

There are also opportunities for assignments of an international nature in the study programme. However, the completion of the graduation project abroad is strong discouraged, because of the intensive guidance provided at TU Delft while the graduation project is being completed

Internationalisation at home
The subjects and issues that you address during your study are applicable and informed by issues that crop up in the Netherlands and in the international arena as well. In addition, there is a very good chance that you will, at some time during your study, provide research assistance to one of our international PhD students.

On average, one or two of the students in the Transport Engineering and Logistics track are international students. A few exchange students also enrol in TE courses.