
Project description

What is SustEner?

This project (SustEner, 2011-1-CZ1-LEO05-07487, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of innovation) has been funded with support from the European Commission. SustEner originates from the recognition of the enormous societal, economic and technological potential of a European sustainable, low-carbon economy, and from the range of scientific and non-technical challenges preventing the realization of this vision. The purpose of SustEner is to modernize Sustainable El. Energy vocational training by enhancing existing or establishing new training methods in enterprises and education. Up‐to-date knowledge and educational methods developed in previous projects will be brought directly from the educational institutions to industry and VET institutes. Different topics of sustainable energy education are already developed by the partners. Transfer of this knowledge between partners and to the target group as well as an accommodation for the needs of target groups is the main goal of the project. The proposal seeks to adapt and transfer pedagogical materials.

The second goal is a transfer of technologies developed during previous projects to learning material of sustainable energy. The project team collaborated in the previous Leonardo projects “Interactive and Unified E-Based Education and Training in Electrical Engineering”, where number of interactive modules with animations were prepared”. The attained results are unique and of a great pedagogical value. Due to the employed technology the usage in education is extremely flexible. In the project E-learning Distance Interactive Practical Education a number of distance laboratories is developed. The solution consisted in redesigning hardware experiments so that they also can be accessed by the Web. The technology and Innovation developed during these projects will be transferred to a new area of Sustainable Electrical Energy and Power. A number of high quality learning modules delivering knowledge are going to be prepared by partners from educational institutions. All of modules will address specific local knowledge and skills needs of industrial partners.

Altogether 9 practically oriented modules with remote experiments and/or interactive animation material will be offered in a modern learning portal. Provided contents and learning functionalities will enable employees/apprentices/trainees to acquire new professional skills and enhance their job performance. Successful integration of developed technology applied to a new field is planned to realize within framework of the project.

The project aims are:
(1) to find out which are by industry required specialized knowledge and skills in Sustainable Energy/engineering;
(2) to adapt practically oriented learning modules;
(3) to enhance and modernize training methods by incorporation of content/functionalities available in advanced learning methods such as interactive animations or distance laboratories;
(4) to adapt alternative energy sources learning modules and stimulate shift toward low‐carbon industry;
(5) to support community of professionals and strengthen links between VET and industry.

The project modules are:
SustEner topics are divided into five thematic areas, with modules listed below:

Solar Energy
- Solar Electricity - From Solar cell to system
- Photovoltaic Systems - Optimization of operation and Combined Photovoltaic/Thermal Systems

Wind Energy
- Renewable Energy - Wind energy conversion and control

Hybrid Vehicles
- Drivetrain and combined energy storage system for electric hybrid vehicles
- Power management techniques for hybrid electric cars

Electric Vehicles
- Power electronics for electric cars

- Power control and energy management in DC microgrids

- Solar Powered Electric Vehicles

Energy Saving
- Luminous efficacy of modern light sources

Pavol Bauer