[STAT/AP] Christian Maes: Nonequilibrium calorimetry

08 May 2023 15:45 till 17:45 - Location: EEMCS Lecture Hall G | Add to my calendar

This is a joint project started some time ago already with Karel Netocny (Academy of Sciences, Prague). Recently we got more examples and more results, especially concerning the low temperature behavior of driven systems. Such systems create an Escherian world where heat is no longer able to order the states.

We prove a Third Law for a class of Markov jump processes and we make some progress in associating heat capacities to graphs and networks.,


Faezeh Khodabandehlou, Christian Maes, Irene Maes and Karel Netočný, The vanishing of excess heat for nonequilibrium processes reaching zero ambient temperature, arXiv:2210.09858v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech].