Discussion: Updating the diversity & inclusion agenda at BK

07 October 2022 12:15 till 13:45 - Location: ROOM BG.OOST.620 - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

Come discuss the urgent issues of diversity, equality and inclusion in education & research at Bouwkunde. Guests, both students and lecturers, have been invited who are engaged in these subjects and are keen to engage in the conversation with attendees.

Your opinion counts and matters. Therefore, everyone is cordially invited to think and discuss what DEI means for education, research and well-being within BK.

This meeting is being hosted by the BK Diversity Office.

Diversity & Inclusion Week

From 3 to 7 October, the TU Delft organises the Diversity & Inclusion Week.  The TU Delft community is cordially invited to join the various events.