100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning | CEL Science Speaker Katrien Verbert | 14 December

14 December 2022 14:00 till 15:00 - By: LDE-CEL | Add to my calendar

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CEL Science Speaker - Katrien Verbert

Designing Learning analytics dashboards: lessons learned
Abstract. In this talk, I will present our work on learning analytics dashboards that aim to support students, teachers and study advisors. These dashboards visualise traces of learning activities, in order to promote awareness, reflection and sense-making. In recent years, we also increasingly employ machine learning models to make predictions and personalise content delivery in such dashboards, and we focus particularly on how to explain such models to end-users. In this talk, I will present lessons learned from the user-centred design and evaluation of these dashboards and explanations to support blended learning, group work, and communication between students and study advisors, as well as future research challenges.


Start date Wednesday 14 December 2022 - 14:00
End date Wednesday 14 December 2022 - 15:00

More information, including meeting link can be found on the LDE-CEL eventpage. 

About the '100 DAYS OF...'  

The '100 DAYS OF' is an initiative organised by 4TU.CEE, LDE-CEL, TU Delft Teaching and Learning Services, TU Delft Extension School, and  TU Delft Teaching Academy to collaboratively  explore Data for Learning in engineering education.
After '100 DAYS' an artefact, product or activity - co-created with contributors and attendees of the 100 DAYS - will be shared to showcase our lessons learned, considerations, and ways to go forward for lecturers, coordinators, and education management.

In this edition of the “100 DAYS OF... ” we collaboratively explore Data for Learning in the context of (engineering) education.
Interested in this topic? Or want to get involved in this exploration. Make sure to sign up for this kick off and keep a close eye on the webpage dedicated to this initiative for an overview of our exploration and upcoming activities.