Lecture: Superimpose Architecture

22 February 2023 12:45 till 13:45 - Location: OOSTSERRE - By: Communication BK | Add to my calendar

On 22 February, study association D.B.S.G. Stylos organises, as part of their Dies-week, this lecture with Superimpose Architecture.

Carolyn Leung studied at the TU Delft and is now director and co-founder of the international architecture office Superimpose Architecture with offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and, more recently, in Rotterdam. In the lecture, she will talk about her entrepreneurial experience in China as someone who just graduated. How do you set up your own business, and what is it like to be an architect? 

More information

  • Please contact the Dies Committee of study association D.B.S.G. Stylos for more information.