AI, Data & Digitalization

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is what electricity must have been like 140 years ago. We may not yet be able to properly imagine how it will affect our lives but organizations need to start thinking about how AI can be applied to improve everyday practice.

AI innovative solutions, such as the use of machine and deep learning, computational argumentation, diagnostic image analysis, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, robotics, and data analytics, can help companies solve specific problems, drive efficiency and improve performance and decision-making.

A shared responsibility

Since AI and algorithms have tremendous effects on the cybersecurity of society and organisations, responsibility and participation in this should not just be left to the coding elite. TU Delft believes in sharing its expertise in difficult algorithms and complex programming and that anyone can benefit from being introduced to fundamental concepts and to the application of AI and cybersecurity in practical situations.

To this end, we offer courses and programs to anyone who, regardless of their professional background or job role, is considering what the implications are and how to deal with AI and cyber security. We also share advanced knowledge with computer engineers. Our courses and programs outline the state of the art in current AI research and provide practical tools for organizations.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our courses and programs are aligned with several of the UN SDGs. By equipping learners with the necessary knowledge and skills, we aim to accellerate the positive impact individuals and organisations can have on the challenges we collectively face. Our AI, Data & Digitalization portfolio contributes to the goal below.