Marileen Dogterom lab

Welcome to the Marileen Dogterom group in the Department of Bionanoscience in the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology.

The assembly, force generation and organization of cytoskeletal polymers lies at the basis of many essential cellular processes. The research objective of this group is to gain a quantitative understanding of the physics behind these cytoskeleton-based processes. This is achieved through a combination of in vitro experiments in simplified physically and biochemically controlled microfabricated environments, theoretical modelling and, increasingly, experiments in living cells.

Read more about the Zwaartekracht program Building a Synthetic Cell and the European Synthetic Cell initiative.

Marileen Dogterom

Group leader

Short Bio

Medical Delta Professor (Leiden Institute of Physics)

Personal Assistant: Valentina Luiten (BN Secretariat, Building 58, room F1.020).


08 March 2023
Congratulations to Reza Amini Hounejani for his PhD thesis defense!

27 January 2023
Congratulations to Koen van Gent for his BEP thesis defense!

13 January 2023
Congratulations to Anna Braat for her BEP thesis defense!