Marc de Vries

Marc’s primary interest is to make insights from the philosophy of technology fruitful for teaching about technology and design, that is, for the pedagogy of technology and design. Philosophical reflections on the nature of technical artefacts, technological knowledge, design processes and the relation between technology and humans/society provide important clues as to how technology and design can be taught and learnt. Given the intimate relations between science and technology in practice, teaching about technology and design can also contribute to a deeper understanding of concepts in science. The Science Education research programme for Science Education at Delft has been developed on the basis of those ideas.

Marc has authored a monograph on the use of philosophy of technology in education (Teaching About Technology, Springer, 2016, 2nd edition) and is the editor in chief of the International Journal of Technology & Design Education (Springer) and series editor of the International Technology Education Studies (Brill/Sense). He also edited the Handbook of Technology Education (Springer, 2018).

Prof.dr. M.J. de Vries