
Collaboration Readiness Levels


The factors determining the success and effectiveness of transdisciplinary and intersectoral collaborations are spanning across different (personal, interpersonal, organizational, technological and socio-political) levels, making the management of these kinds of projects an ill-defined and complex problem. These collaborations create new expectations, alter roles and shift communication practices for its members. The collaborating partners have to adjust to new social, organizational and management settings, and adopt to the new collaboration-facilitating technologies. Organizations that lack the ability of and adaptive culture of sharing and collaborating, have a large potential to resist to these adjustments and limit the effectiveness of the collaboration as a whole.

The pilot research within the Dutch Blockchain Coalition is aiming to investigate and determine the critical factors that determine the effectiveness and the efficiency of the collaboration, define the requirements of the participating partners from technological and communication perspectives. The design-based research project preceding the pilot is aimed  to build a model of collaboration readiness levels, which can be used to (social) design strategic changes in the stakeholders management to enhance their organization’s capacities for collaboration.