Human Factors & Ergonomics

Humans and their interactions in sociotechnical systems are complicated. So, when designing for human use, understanding the relationship between people and technology and environments is crucial. Through a scientific and systems approach, this course explores human complexities from a physical, cognitive, perceptual, and organisational perspective and teaches how to apply this in the design process.

This elective course provides students with knowledge, tools and hands on experience to support them in designing for human use.

Explore scientific theories, methods, data, and tools that can be used to study interactions. Use this knowledge towards the goal of optimising the interactions in a balance between performance, well-being, and satisfaction.

Contemplate the human perspective in design, considering what their needs, capabilities and limitations are. Explore how interactions occur from the micro to the macro level. Use a systems approach to map out these differences and their impact on individuals, teams, and organisations over time. And take a scientific approach to designing sociotechnical systems.

Get hands-on experience through workshops and projects in the fields of healthcare, mobility, sports, and consumer products/services/systems. Produce scientific reports and present design recommendations to stakeholders.

Ultimately, gain deeper insight into the complexities of humans and the challenges of considering human factors in design.

Course Coordinator's perspective

“There is a lot of great research going on at our faculty in this field and we have developed great methods, tools, and data. It is exciting to introduce the students to cutting edge research and to get to see how they use these techniques in creative ways in their design process.”

Toon Huysmans