Application and Admission

Doing a PhD at IDE is different from doing a BSc or MSc, where you apply for the programme and show up for courses at the start of the semester. In the PhD programme you either apply to an existing funded vacancy in the research programmes, or apply with external funding that you have obtained yourself. 

Research themes at IDE

Research at the faculty of IDE is conducted in the following 4 areas:

Within these themes projects are funded which can offer paid PhD positions. These are advertised on the TU Delft job-site. Or you can contact one of our professors whose work you find interesting, to see if they think you would fit upcoming opportunities. 

External funding

It is also possible to pursue a PhD with other sources of funding, such as your company or a scholarship. In these cases, you can contact the professor in whose research field your work will lie.

If you plan to attain your PhD at the faculty of IDE as a "contract PhD candidate" with a scholarship (see this chart for more information), we expect your scholarship to cover living costs in the Netherlands as well as the tuition fee (€ 11.000) and bench fee (€ 20.000). Living costs are estimated at a minimum of € 1.390,- per month (or: 48 * € 1.390,- = € 66.720,- for the entire course of your PhD-trajectory (4 years)). This means that you will need a scholarship of at least € 97.720,-.  


There are various ways in which one can obtain a doctorate degree at TU Delft. At the faculty of IDE over 50% of the candidates either works for a company or has a scholarship for pursuing their degree. One third of all candidates at IDE are employees of TU Delft who's main job is to work on their PhD project. The other candidates either work on their PhD project in their own time or do it besides their other job activities at the faculty.