Engineering the Perfect Inflight Service Experience

Engineering the Perfect Inflight Service Experience is a research project conducted by Zodiac Aerospace. The focus is to address aircraft cabin interior design strategies and develop products that best deliver value to the end users. This research identifies potentially untapped opportunities for achieving service innovation through the investigation of how user-centered design can enable and enhance services and crew performance. 

Working with service providers.


  • Hall, A., Mayer, T., Wuggetezer, I. and Childs, P.R.N. (2013) Future aircraft cabins and design thinking: optimisation vs. win-win scenarios. Propulsion and Power Research. 2(2):85–95
  • Kosmann, M. (2006) Delivering Excellent Service Quality in Aviation: a practical guide for internal and external service providers, Wiltshire: Antony Rowe Ltd.
  • Baines, T., and Lightfoot, H., (2013). Made to Serve: How Manufacturers Can Compete Through Servitization and Product Service Systems. John Wiley & Sons: UK. 


  • Julia Debacker
