Panel members

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Do you have a new phone number or (e-mail) address? Then we would like to hear from you!

Become a member?

Would you like to give your opinion about products? Do you want to influence the development or improvement of, for example, the mobile phone, vacuum cleaner, or an entirely new product? Then join our panel! Registration is possible from the age of 16.

What does it mean?

As a panel member of the PEL you are invited to participate in product research a couple of times a year. You will be asked for your opinion by means of a (group) interview or an online or written survey. It is also possible that you may test a product at home. 

Becoming a panel member involves a certain amount of commitment, however we do understand if occasionally you are unable to help. 

Why become a member?

As a panel member you do not only have the opportunity to give your opinion and influence different aspects of product development, you also contribute to education, science and society. Your cooperation makes research possible and helps researchers with new insights and improvements with regard to products or consumer behaviour. As a result, products will be better suited to the requirements and preferences of their users. Your voice represents the consumer!

Undergraduates and/or PhD students are almost always involved in each research project. Your involvement helps them work towards their dissertation or doctoral research. Also, you have a chance to win a reward for your efforts.

As a panel member:

  • you can give your opinion
  • you influence product development
  • you represent the consumer
  • you contribute to science & education
  • you have a chance to win rewards