Developing a synchromodal Freight model

The strategic goal of this research project is to contribute to the planning of efficient, sustainable, reliable, and safe freight transport systems (in line with the policy objectives of the European Commission, the Dutch government and various other European countries and authorities), by creating advanced decision-making support tools. Our focus is on synchromodal (synchronised intermodal) freight transport, which is a newly proposed concept. Since conventional intermodal freight transport is not seen as an effective means of achieving the goals of the EU regarding emissions reduction, this project aims to develop a methodology and a model that can be used to design and evaluate alternatives relevant to the concept of synchromodal transport. New possibilities in data sourcing, discovery and analytics allow advanced models to be built that make use of operational logistics data and hence allow operational measures to be tested at a high level of detail with close involvement of business stakeholders. 

The objective of the project is to develop a synchromodal freight model, based on operational data from the sector, to support cost-benefit analysis and serious gaming for mainports & hinterland transport. Further elaboration of an existing freight transport model will enable us to develop it to a new level that could become a trade-mark of TU Delft.

The project is closed, the result is a publication:

Zhang, M., & Pel, A. J. (2016). Synchromodal hinterland freight transport: Model study for the port of Rotterdam. Journal of Transport Geography, 52, 1-10.