Search for data

If you consider re-using research data, you can draw upon existing data that is available in repositories or other sources. The landscape for searching out research data is very scattered at this moment. Traditionally, some data used to be published as supplementary material to a journal article or on personal websites . Now, we are moving to an era where data is considered as a first class research object, deserving a place and identifier of its own in an institutional, discipline-specific or general-purpose data repository.

You can browse to start finding data repositories for your research discipline.

4TU.Centre for Research Data (TU Delft is co-founder) maintains a data archive that offers access to research data from applied technical  scientific research. Conduct a tailored search for data using the filters in the data archive.

If you need advice on finding existing research data, don’t hesitate to email

On the RDM portal information on research data management is provided for every stage of your research project.