Lunch Lecture by Kornelis Blok

The need for speeding up has never been so high as it is today, looking at it from multiple angles. Climate change is already happening today and its effects need to be minimised as soon as possible. Our university, with a large community of students, researchers and start-ups is THE place to be to work on solutions to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable future.

Kornelis Blok, professor of Energy Systems Analysis and chairman of the lustrum committee, started out in energy but found himself up to his ears in efforts to combat climate change. Acceleration, acceleration, acceleration. That is the underlying theme. In order to successfully fight climate change and limit it from becoming worse, speeding up the energy transition is essential.
In this lunch lecture he will speak about his efforts as the lead author of many IPCC reports, what we as the TU Delft community can do to fight climate change, and what is needed to accelerate the energy transition.
Join us at 12.45 – 13.30 CEST on the Bouwcampus / Energy Challenge Event, between the Civil Engineering & Geosciences faculty and The Green Village