Open Hardware

Open hardware, or open-source hardware, is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. This Open Hardware project aims to further embed open-source hardware into the Open Science movement at TU Delft. The project will accomplish this by continuing to support students and researchers in making their hardware projects open source and delivering training activities and learning materials to further the community goals.

2023 Main Goals Open Hardware

  1. Showcase and assess the relevance that open-source hardware brings to science, engineering and education.
  2. Take steps towards embedding open source (hardware) collaborative best practices and values as part of the engineering curriculum at TU Delft.
  3. Monitor and address evolving needs of faculties around usage, development, reward and recognition of open-source hardware related academic work.
  4. Deliver recommendations on policies and measures that need to be considered to advance open hardware at TU Delft, including mainstreaming a research hardware engineer position.

Project Lead

Santosh Ilamparuthi

Open Hardware

Santosh Ilamparuthi