2022 Q2 Release Highlights


This option will copy the entire content of an existing page to a new page you are creating.

Background images on grids

Add a background image to your grid for more visual impact.

Sidescrolling grid

You can now put content in a horizontally scrolling grid; swipe left or right to see more content.

Login with TU Delft netid

We've implemented a new, secure login procedure with Single Sign On.

Scrolling text when hovering on cards

Cards can now be set to scroll down when your mouse moves over them.

Unlike card overviews, our regular cards did not have this hover/scroll up action. In order to stay consistent we've added this action to the normal card element as well.

Grid settings - Accordion frame

A more flexible way of creating (+) accordion items, using any Grid element you want.

Single Sign On login

You can now login using your TU Delft netid.

New carousel layouts

Two more layouts for an image carousel, teasing more of the available slides

Background images on grids

Add a background image to your grid for more visual impact.

Sidescrolling with the Multirow grid

You can now put content in a horizontally scrolling grid; swipe left or right to see more content.

Prefilled templates

You can now use existing pages as a Template for new pages, either automatically or manually.

25-75 grid

An extra grid configuration with a smaller left column.

Card inheritance

Automatically fill a Card element with the metadata from the page you are linking to.

Colored grid height auto-align

Set the same maximum height for all colored columns in a grid

Add to calendar button

Add events to your own calendar (outlook, google calendar, apple)

Hover-scrolling on cards

Cards can now be set to scroll down when your mouse moves over them

Button limit on notification element

The button limit on the Notification element has been removed

Additional social media (and other) links

Scholar / Pure / Custom buttons have been added to the Social Media element

Personal links from Pure on your staff page

Additional custom Pure links are now added to the automatic staff pages.

Import of organisational data

Overhaul of the import process, adding more relevant information to our indexed data

Gradients in dynamic overviews

Increase readability of your search results/dynamic overviews with a more prominent gradient

Placeholder image on contact information element

Adds, if wanted, a placeholder TU-flame image to the contact information element

Slug management

Improved process when changing urls for entire website structures

Label on staff page adjusted

Changed 'Research Profile' to 'Profile'

Powermail upgrade

Essential update improving the handling of uploaded files
Release Notes published on 11-05-2022