Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions

Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Insitute) is a scientific institute located in Amsterdam. In this institute science, education, government, business partners and societal organisations are working tightly together to create solutions for the complex challenges a metropolitan region like Amsterdam is facing. The main activities of AMS Institute are related to research, data platform and education.

Together with Wageningen University and MIT, TU Delft forms the academic heart of the AMS initiative. We work closely together with AMS in various research and educational projects.

The city of Amsterdam is the initiator and supporter of AMS Institute. The city and partners share urban data and Amsterdam allows the researchers to use their city as a living lab and testbed. The public and private partners are amongst others TNO, Amsterdam Smart City, The Waag Society, City of Boston, KPN, Accenture, Alliander, Cisco, ESA, IBM, Shell, AEB, Deltares, the Port of Amsterdam and Waternet.

Read more about AMS Research Projects.

AMS Institute has three ways to support academic research projects:

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